Friday, September 24, 2010

Ellen’s TGIF Workout #5 (only 35 min!)

GYM BOSS= 40:20 (work for 40 sec, rest for 20 sec); 5 sets= 35 min


2 DumbBells (both 10+ lbs)
KettleBell (35+ lbs)
JC Band (orange+)
Mini-Band (green+)
Dynamax Ball (18+ lbs)

40:20, 5 sets:

6 Hot-Colds/6 Squat Jumps (w/ mini-band around ankles)
Cross Crunches, alt. Rt & Lft every few crunches (w/ band around arches of feet)
10 DB Tricep Extention / 10 DB Bicep Curls
Burpees w/ Dynamax Ball
DB Overheard Press
Opposite Knee to Elbow (using Dynamax ball)
8 KB Straight-leg Deadlifts / 8 KB Sumo Squats
10 JC Band Alternating Swimmers / 10 JC Rows



Friday, September 17, 2010

Ellen’s TGIF Workout #4

GYM BOSS= 30:15 (work for 30 sec, rest for 15 sec); 5 sets= approx 30 min

2 DumbBells (both 10+ lbs)
2-3 KettleBells (22-27+ lbs “Light/Med” & 35+ lbs “Heavy”)
JC Band (orange+)
BodyBar or Barbell (22+ lbs)
Mini-Band (green+)

30:15, 5 sets:
KB Sumo High-Pulls (Heavy KB)
DB Overhead Situps
Hot-Colds (w/ mini-band around ankles)
KB Curl-Press-Tricep extention (Light/Med KB)
BodyBar Lateral Squats
Core Rows w/ DBs (DB rows in pushup position)
KB Alternating Single-leg Dead lifts (Heavy KB)
JC Band Alternating Swimmers

I did this workout last Fri & the High-Pulls got me sore the next day!!



Friday, September 10, 2010

Ellen's TGIF Workout #3

GYM BOSS= 30:15 (work for 30, rest for 15); 5 sets= approx 30 min

2 DumbBells (both 10+ lbs)
2 KettleBells (22+ lbs & 53+ lbs)
JC Band (orange or yellow)
BodyBar or Barbell (22+ lbs)

30:15, 5 sets:
Bent over Rows (w/ DBs)
Dead lifts (w/ heavy KB)
Tricep Presses w/ 1 DB OR Bicep Curls w/ DBs [alt. exercises every other set]
Lunge Jumps
Stick Crunches w/ BodyBar
Squats w/ Bar across shoulders
JC Band Sweeps OR JC Band Presses [alternate sets]
Lateral Squats, Lft & Rt for 30 sec (holding lighter KB)

Additional Set (not timed): alternate these two exercises 3x: pushups & pull downs (go as heavy as you can for 6-8 reps on the pull downs).



I did this workout on Mon & felt like I could have worked a bit harder… but the next day my butt & inner thighs were SORE!

GET LOW on your lunge jumps (back knee should almost touch the ground). And you should be getting low on your squats too!! For the squats, you can place a Dynamax ball on the ground & touch your butt to make sure you’re squatting low.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Ellen’s TGIF Workout #2

GYM BOSS= 30:20 (work for 30, rest for 20); 5 sets= 33 min

Dumbbells (10+ lbs)
Mini Band (green)
JC Band (orange)

30:20 (work:rest), 5 sets:
30 sec: Pushups
30 sec: Dead lifts (with DBs)
30 sec: Ab-dolley Pikes
30 sec: 6 Later Raises / 6 Presses (with DBs)
30 sec: Lunge Jumps
30 sec: 6 Sweeps/ 6 Rows (with JC Band)
30 sec: Cross Crunches w/ Band around Arches of Feet (do Rt for 15 sec, then Lft for 15 sec)
30 sec: 6 Hot-Colds & 6 Squat Jumps with or w/o mini-band around Ankles

(Remember: Do each exercise above for 30 sec w/ a 20 sec rest in between each. You’re only doing each exercise for 30 seconds, so MOVE!)

Tip: The crunches mentioned above should be done lying on your back w/ a Mini Band around the arches of your feet. Lay flat on your back with hands behind head, then bend your Rt knee to 90 degrees & touch Lft elbow to Rt knee. Make sure to bring your elbow (& head) flat back on the ground before you begin another crunch.
The band around your feet creates resistance & makes these crunches harder than a typical cross crunch.
Do reps on 1 side for 15 sec, then switch & bend your Lft need to 90 degrees & crunch your Rt elbow to your Lft knee for the final 15 seconds.

** Lastly, CLICK HERE for info on all the equipment listed above. **



Thursday, September 2, 2010

If You Like to Workout from Home...

If you prefer to work out from home or want to “get in shape” before you go to the gym (silly, but a common complaint), here’s a list of the products you can buy to make it happen. You can do a total body workout with a limited amount of equipment. Pick & choose your favorites from the list below:

All below items can be purchased from: Perform Better! (Perform Better! is having an End of Summer Sale, so many of the items below can be found on sale right now. The prices listed below are the full prices, not the sale prices.)

If you click on the product link you'll be directed to detailed info on each product (picture, price, description, benefits/uses, & sometimes even an intro video &/or exercise sheet that lists a whole workout using the selected item).

I.$25 and under:

a. Mini Band ($2 - $4)
b. GymBoss Interval Timer ($20)
c. JC all purpose exercise band ($25)
d. Dumbbells ($5 - $25/pair, 1-10 lbs)
e. Superband ($12 - $20, 1/2" & 1")

II. $50 and under:

a. Medicine Ball ($20 - $45 for 2-8 lbs)
b. Dumbbells ($30 - $35/pair, 12-15 lbs)
c. Kettlebell ($35 - $50 for 8-22 lbs)
d. ValSlide ($35)
e. Body Bars ($27 - $46, 4-15 lbs)
f. Stability Ball ($26 - $40)

III. $60 and under:

a. Medicine Ball ($60 for 10 lb ball)

IV. $60+

a. Ab-dolly ($90)
b. Dynamax Balls ($70+)
c. Heavy Kettlebell ($60+ for 50+ lbs)
d. BOSU Balance Trainer ($120)
e. Heavier Body Bars ($56+, 18-36 lbs)
f. TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack ($190)

** And when you’re done with your workout, nothing feels better than a good stretch & a “massage” using a foam roller ($10 - $25).
