GYM BOSS= 40:20 (work for 40 sec, rest for 20 sec); 5 sets= 35 min
2 DumbBells (both 10+ lbs)
KettleBell (35+ lbs)
JC Band (orange+)
Mini-Band (green+)
Dynamax Ball (18+ lbs)
40:20, 5 sets:
6 Hot-Colds/6 Squat Jumps (w/ mini-band around ankles)
Cross Crunches, alt. Rt & Lft every few crunches (w/ band around arches of feet)
10 DB Tricep Extention / 10 DB Bicep Curls
Burpees w/ Dynamax Ball
DB Overheard Press
Opposite Knee to Elbow (using Dynamax ball)
8 KB Straight-leg Deadlifts / 8 KB Sumo Squats
10 JC Band Alternating Swimmers / 10 JC Rows
1 week ago